Coaching for SME leaders


The Hill Tribe approach considers coaching to be the natural choice for SME directors and management seeking personal and business development.

That’s because coaching supports a reflective learning process – rather than give out advice (like a consultant), the coach leads the business owner to discover appropriate techniques for ‘self-management’ around core business themes.

Most SME managers are required to self-manage, but very few have had any kind of guidance on doing so. That’s why we believe coaching is the perfect fit.

Support focuses on themes such as: getting the most from staff; financial management for targeted resource allocation; existing and potential client prioritisation; cost-effective digital marketing and communication; building viable support networks; avoiding burnout through better time management and prioritisation; and developing pertinent exit strategies.

Please Click here to find out more about the cost and delivery of one of our typical SME leadership coaching programmes.

We then suggest a free 30 minute conversation with one of our specialist business coaches to discuss how a Hill Tribe SME coaching package can be tailored to fit your needs.

Training & Facilitation